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Mafia Island (“Chole Shamba”) is part of the Tanzanian Spice Islands, which consists also of Zanzibar andPemba. Mafia is part of the Pwani Region and is governed from the mainland (not Zanzibar). Mafia has never been part of Zanzibar.

$350 / per person

Located in Southern Tanzania, Selous is Africa’s largest Game Reserve. Selous hosts a great array of wildlife with Africa’s...

$550 / per person
1 Night / 2 Days

Amsterdam combines the unrivaled beauty of the 17th-century Golden Age city center with plenty of museums and art of the highest order

$373 / per person

Dubai is like nowhere else on the planet. Often claimed to be the world's fastest-growing city, over the past four decades it has metamorphosed from a small.

$418 / per person

Enjoy the stunning scenic sights of sandy beaches, get attracted to the amazing city life, find tranquility in the peaceful Buddhist temples

$647 / per person
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